Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development (ATEED)
Gaining understanding of the challenges and barriers employers face when attracting and retaining youth within the Youth Employer Pledge framework.
REFRAMR supported SALT – an internal cross-functional innovation collective in the planning, delivery and reporting of this 6-week challenge.
6 solution concepts, that help the pledge network deliver value to its members with a view to enable better employment outcomes for young people, co-designed with employers through a set of interviews and interactive workshops. A selection of these concepts are being tested with employers by council staff.
“Sarah combines intellect and energy to create positive experiences for clients whilst delivering well informed and insightful results. She is an experienced design practitioner and is able to draw on a range of tools and methods to create a participant experience that is deeply engaging. Importantly she brings a unique perspective that drives clients to think differently about what they do and how they do it, delivering improved outcomes for users and customers. Sarah is highly collaborative and authentic ensuring that working with her is always an enjoyable experience.”
Rachael Child – GridAkl Strategist & SALT Co-Founder, ATEED
The ATEED challenge team, FLTR: Bruce Jamieson, Sarah Clearwater (REFRAMR), Fred Luatua, Laura Fayerman, Rachael Child, Amy Saleman